
(Visitor请进)GreenCode | 新一季GreenCode已经在准备中了,这些亮点我只透露给你哦!



  It was a rainy October in 2016 when GreenCode, asession of SS17 Shanghai Fashion Week, set up a green booth in Time Square, No.900, Huaihai M. Road.

  在忙碌的时装周中带来了一股清新的绿意,成为了奔波于行程的人们歇息的一片绿色空间。?? ?? ??

  The booth brought a flow of refreshing green to the busy Fashion Week, which became a green space for the bustling people to take a break.



  If you’re still missing the last GreenCode, the upcoming new season absolutely won’t let you down.




Though the specific agenda hasn’t come out, firstly let’s have a glimpse of the bright spots!



GreenCode作为倡导绿色时尚与可持续发展,主张绿色美好生活方式与理念的全新形态分会场在2016年10月首次登陆上海时装周。GreenCode秉承「环保」、「科技」、「再生」三大核心开创上海时装周的绿色新代码、新体验,主打2C平台,倡导共连共享体验模式,营造一个更具互动性、参与感和探索型的新型会场。首季GreenCode由上海时装周官方主办、连卡佛Lane Crawford 倾力加盟、喊你来玩承办以及大上海时代广场场地合作。

As the parallel session of ShanghaiFashion Week that promotes green fashion, sustainable development, green lifestyle and conceptions, GreenCode made its debut in October 2016.With ‘Eco’, ‘Tech’ and ‘Renew’ as its core concept, GreenCode brought new green experience to Shanghai Fashion Week, initiating a customer-oriented platform adopting a connective and experience-sharing model to build a more interactive platform offering more sense of participation and exploration. The first season of GreenCode was hosted by Shanghai Fashion Week, supported by Lane Crawford, organized by SquadUp! in Shanghai Times Square.


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  A Session of Shanghai Fashion Week

  SS17上海时装周,作为向大百货进军的第一步,连卡佛更是打开多个通路全力支持中国新生代原创设计,所有参与GreenCode的设计师都与连卡佛买手团队进行了亲密的接触,获得国际专业买手团的各类指导与意见,为品牌商业化成长积累经验,并为未来走向国际舞台进行储备。连卡佛将组织私人的设计师晚宴,零距离与新生代设计师进行交流,帮助设计师成长,更将甄选本季上海时装周展示的设计师入驻连卡佛为期一个月的主题POPUP STORE。

SS17 Shanghai Fashion Week is the first step to march into the general merchandise. And Lane Crawford opens several accesses to support the original design of the new Chinese generation with full force. All the designers participating in GreenCode had close touch with the merchandisers group from Lane Crawford wherethe designers can learn various guides and opinions from the international professional merchandisers, accumulate experience for the commercial development of brands, and store experience for the international stage in the future. Lane Crawford is going to organize a private dinner for designers where it can have a direct contact and communication with the designers of the new generation in order to propel their growth. Moreover, Lane Crawford intends to select designers who make presentations in this Shanghai Fashion Week to join Lane Crawford’s POPUP STORE, which will last for a month.

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  GreenFashion - Exactly Our Goal

  上海时装周GreenCode主打绿色时尚(GREEN FASHION),关注环保与科技,发起与环保、新科技主题进口的品牌、产品发布及各类互动体验。更具启发性与实验性,启迪设计师革新并创造兼具多功能性的未来型产品。

Shanghai Fashion Week GreenCode mainly focuses on GREEN FASHION, paying attention to environmental protection and technology, initiating imported brand activities, products launches and various interaction experience that are in relation to environmental protection and technology. GREEN FASHION of enlightening and experimental nature will inspire designers to innovate and create future products with multiple functions.

  GreenCode倡导绿色美好生活,以绿色时尚引发大众对Friendly Relationship的思考,增强人与人的协作参与及共连共享。

GreenCode advocates beautiful green life, triggering the public’s thoughts of Friendly Relationship and strengthening the collaborative participation and mutual share between people by Green Fashion.


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  GreenCode Agenda

本季AW17GreenCode时间表为:2017年4月9日 - 13日,具体行程待稍后公布。

This AW17 GreenCode will be held from April 9, 2017 to April 13, 2017. The agenda details will be announced latter.


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  Launch Scenes of

  Environmental Protection and Technology

在上季SS17上海时装周期间(2016年10月17-20日),GreenCode秀场邀请了康泰纳仕时尚设计培训中心、完美衣橱APP、JUN by YO present by Lane Crawford进行了主题性的走秀展示,而中国独立设计师品牌C.J.YAO present by Lane Crawford则作为上一季GreenCode的闭幕秀,精彩还原新天地主会场的走秀现场。

During the last SS17 Shanghai Fashion Week ( Oct. 17- 20, 2016), GreenCode Show invited Condé Nast Center of Fashion and Design, One More Closet APP, JUN by YO present by Lane Crawford to give the matic walk shows. C.J.YAO present by Lane Crawford, an independent Chinese design brand, brought the closing show of the last Green Code, which wonderfully revived the live show in the New World Venue.



As for the upcoming AW17, GreenCode will also usher in different brands that mainly represent the concepts of environmental protection and technology, in order to bring the presentations of luminous fabrics, multifunctional clothes and AR shows.

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在上一季SS17上海时装周GreenCode与非盈利性公益组织绿色倡议GREEN INITIATIVES 在GreenCode会场外设立了的两个巨型旧衣物捐赠回收箱,收到了大批民众鼎力支持,短短一周,两个巨型捐赠箱已经塞满了民众的满满爱心。

During the last SS17 Shanghai Fashion Week, GreenCode and GREEN INITIATIVES, a non-profit commonweal organization set up two giant recycling boxed for used clothes donation. It was supported by a bunch of citizens with their full strength. Only in a week, the boxes are stuffed with people’s love.

  而在即将到来的AW17 GreenCode将会继续设计“了不起的你”慈善快闪商店,这是一个结合了“捐衣”、“换衣”、“购衣”、“展示”的城市慈善快闪商店。

“THE GREATEST YOU" Charity POPUP is an urban charity popup shop combining clothing donating, exchanging and exhibiting.

由喊你来玩体验项目发起的城市慈善快闪商店项目, 预计2017年4月下旬从第一站上海开始,市中心设置5个城市地标点,每个地标点放置两个集装箱作为收集据点,集合了旧衣物的“捐赠”、“置换”、“再购买”、“再设计”、“表演”五大功能的快闪商店,通过“旧衣”主题警醒城市人对于旧物处理的重视......

Initiated by Squad Up! as a charity POP-UP project, “THE GREATEST YOU" Charity POPUP will make its debut at Shanghai in April 2017. A donation spot with 2 containers will be set up in the center of 5 different cities to create popup shops that integrating used clothing donating, exchanging, repurchasing, redesigning with art performances. “THE GREATEST YOU" Charity POPUP will serve as a reminder to citizens of dealing with used articles wisely.

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  New Mode of Fashion Week

在过去的时装周,一般都是以B2B模式为主,即主要针对企业 / 买手 / 媒体等,而GreenCode分会场将采用B2B与B2C结合模式,真正打造城中盛事,欢迎每一位热爱时尚的小伙伴加入到GreenCode时尚的新社群中。

The past Fashion Week usually adopted B2B mode which targets at enterprises / merchandisers / media. However, this GreenCode Session will adopt the combined mode of B2B and B2C to make a grand event. Welcome every fashion fancier to join the new community of GreenCode Fashion.


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  Themed POPUP


During the Fashion Week, a variety of fashion brands will display their products and themed products of the current season in the POPUP zones of GreenCode. And the display areas will be decorated with theme where everyone can thoroughly enjoy the charms from the brands.

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  「Squad Up!」 WORKSHOP


Last GreenCode set different types of Green Workshop in each afternoon, leading everyone to feel the fancy of green in life from every respect. The Workshop invited fashion designer Zhang Na with her touching story of the recycling of used clothes fromthe clothes recycling bank, songwriter-band MAMAHUHU with their smooth songs, national stylist BoyNamwith his work BoyNam’s Closet, Hua Shi Jian with micro-world of vegetation and star photographer Ye Ziyi with his photography journey of the vast starry sky.



And this GreenCode will continue to bring 「Squad Up!」 WORKSHOP which renders free experience and share activity. The Workshop will inspire you the future life and give a relaxing moment during the busy Fashion Week.


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  Brand-New Design of Venue

上季GreenCode的场地设计师说:“GreenCode就是一个绿色的神奇盒子,「BOOMMMM」 发出绿色的能量。” 而在本季GreenCode将会以“集装箱”进行创意组合,再结合相较于木材等成长更快、更加环保的竹子作为辅助材料,打造上海时装周期间的新城市地标。

The venue designer of the last GreenCode interprets that “GreenCode is a magical green box, BOOMMMM, bursting out green energy.” As for this season, to create the new city landmarks of Shanghai Fashion Week, GreenCode will make a creative construction with containers, and use bamboo as auxiliary materials, which is more flourishing and environmentally-protective than general woods.


GreenCode结束后,搭建材料将被回收与再利用,以达到可持续发展的环保目的。一层为多面开放式空间,每个参与GreenCode POPUP的品牌都会有一个集装箱作为其主题式的展示空间。而二层则作为走秀环节的空间。

After the conclusion of GreenCode, the building materials will be recycled and reused for the purpose of sustainable development. The first floor of the Workshop is a open polyhedral space where each participating brand will have a container to use as their theme display zones. And the second floor will serve as catwalk show runways.


到目前为止,已经有一批专注于科技、环保的酷炫酷炫品牌加入了GreenCode的队伍中,GreenCode想让更多的人知道与了解GREEN FASHION,将美好的时尚生活概念传递出去。

So Far, a batch of cool brands that concentrating on technology and environmental protection have joined GreenCode. GreenCode hopes to make more people learn GREEN FASHION and spread the concept of beautiful fashion life.



Do you get intrigued by all these highlights?

For more information, please follow our update.



fashion.sohu.com true HARDcANDYmp https://fashion.sohu.com/20170224/n481664282.shtml report 18934 ▼还记得2016那个多雨的10月,SS17上海时装周分会场GreenCode在淮海中路900号时代广场上搭起了一个绿油油的大棚子……ItwasarainyOct
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